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Streamlining Small Satellite Ground Testing with Mini Solar Array Simulator

The small satellite market is experiencing explosive growth, offering a cost-effective platform for space exploration and various applications. However, ensuring flawless satellite functionality necessitates comprehensive ground testing, particularly for small satellite power systems using a mini solar array simulator (Elgar m-SAS) is essential.

Traditional solar array simulators (SAS) designed for large satellites often provide excessive capabilities for smallsats power systems. These bulky systems lack features crucial for small satellite testing and come at a premium cost.

How to address this challenge? This white paper explores how the Elgar m-SAS empowers engineers to:

  • Optimize MPPT Performance: Validate the functionality and efficiency of your small satellite's Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) system.
  • Cost-Effective Satellite Testing: Eliminate unnecessary features associated with large-scale photovoltaic array simulators, achieving a budget-friendly satellite power testing solution.
  • Maximize Power Testing Facility: The m-SAS boasts a high-power density, maximizing its footprint within your testing environment.
  • Realistic Solar Eclipse Simulation: Replicate diverse solar eclipse profiles for thorough testing under real-world conditions.
  • Simplified Operation: Leverage an intuitive user interface and control the unit seamlessly via a standard LAN interface.
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Download our white paper to learn how the Elgar m-SAS's technical specifications can revolutionize your small satellite ground testing, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency.

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